Become a partner
You are a recreational or technical diving professional and you wish to provide a new service for your members or clients to help them dive in a safer way?
Discover O'Dive benefits
A safety label
Offer to all your clients / members a technology that will help them dive safer thanks to your decompression expertise.
A flexible and customizable offer
Depending on your activity and clients / members, create your customized pack and bring O’Dive technology to your clients with unlimited user account.
A responsible investment
By offering a new safety service, make a profitable investment and become an ambassador of a safer diving.
Our partner offers

Standard offer
1 O’Dive sensor
Commercial license
Training for 2 people
“O’Dive Center” certification
Communication supports
Dedicated customer service
Resale with 10% commission
60 dive analyses offered
Dive analysis from 1.50€ (see our detailed offers)
excl. VAT
Unlimited offer
1 O’Dive sensor
Commercial license
Training for 2 people
“O’Dive Center” certification
Communication supports
Dedicated customer service
Resale with 10% commission
Unlimited dive analyses
excl. VAT
* If you are based in one of the following regions, please contact your local distributor directly to purchase an O’Dive DCI package and associated training:
Country | Distributor | Email address | Phone number |
Canada | Boutique du plongeur du Saguenay | | +1 418-818-2153 |
China | Indigo Blue | | +886-2-82271619 |
Hong Kong | Indigo Blue | | +886-2-82271619 |
Japan | GD Outdoor | | +81 80 3719 1358 |
South Korea | Indigo Blue | | +886-2-82271619 |
Taiwan | Indigo Blue | | +886-2-82271619 |
Thailand | Indigo Blue | | +886-2-82271619 |
United Kingdom | Nautilus Diving Limited | | +44 333 444 0104 |
Germany/Switzerland | TECXPEDITION GMBH, LAO IANTD D-A-CH | | +49 (0) 2174 – 8948670 |
United States | Paragon Dive Adventures | | +1 520-260-9940 |
Contact us to evaluate your need according to your activity and to benefit from our multi-sensors offers.